# ⚙️ Use Settings
Camomilla comes with a set of settings that you can use to customize the behaviour of the app.
Here is a list of all the settings you can use, with their default values:
# <project_name>/settings.py
"PROJECT_TITLE": "" # the title of your project (a rarely used setting :P),
"BASE_URL": "" # change this if you want to serve camomilla from a subpath
"MEDIA": {
"MAX_WIDTH": 1980, # max width for images optimization
"MAX_HEIGHT": 1400, # max height for images optimization
"DPI": 30, # dpi for images optimization
"ENABLE": True # enable or disable images optimization
"FOLDER": "", # folder where thumbnails will be saved
"WIDTH": 50, # default width for thumbnails
"HEIGHT": 50 # default height for thumbnails
"TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_FILES": [], # add here the path to your custom context files
"AUTO_CREATE_HOMEPAGE": True, # if True, a homepage will be created automatically
"DEFAULT_TEMPLATE": "", # default template for articles
"INJECT_CONTEXT": None # function to inject context in articles templates
"PAGE": {
"DEFAULT_TEMPLATE": "", # default template for pages
"INJECT_CONTEXT": None # function to inject context in pages templates
"CACHE_ENABLED": True # if True, the structured field will use a cache system to avoid multiple queries to the database
"API": {
"NESTING_DEPTH": 10 # default nesting depth for serializers
"DEBUG": False # enable or disable debug mode
You can find more information about each setting in the relative section of intrest. Browse How to guides to find what you are looking for!