Our beloved Django CMS
# ⭐️ Features
- 🧘♀️ Built on top of the django framework
- 🥨 Beaked page abstract model to let you manage everything you need as a page.
- 🏞️ Optimized media management with autoresize
- 👯 Enable relations inside django JSONFields
- ⚡️ AutoCreate api endpoints from models
- 🚧 Enable JsonSchema directly in models endpoints
# 📦 Quick Setup
Env Virtualization 👾
Use a virtualenv to isolate your project's dependencies from the system's python installation before starting. Check out virtualenvwrapper (opens new window) for more information.
Install django-camomilla-cms and django from pip
$ pip install django
$ pip install django-camomilla-cms==6.0.0b6
Create a new django project
$ django-admin startproject <project_name>
$ cd <project_name>
Create a dedicated folder for camomilla migrations
$ mkdir -p camomilla_migrations
$ touch camomilla_migrations.__init__.py
Create migrations and prepare the database
$ python manage.py makemigrations camomilla
$ python manage.py migrate
Add camomilla and camomilla dependencies to your project's INSTALLED_APPS
# <project_name>/settings.py
'camomilla', # always needed
'camomilla.theme', # needed to customize admin interface
'djsuperadmin', # needed if you whant to use djsuperadmin for contents
'modeltranslation', # needed if your website is multilanguage (can be added later)
'rest_framework', # always needed
'rest_framework.authtoken', # always needed
Run the server
$ python manage.py runserver